Thursday July 7 2022 Antoni Caparrós Auditorium (Barcelona Science Park) IN-PERSON Symposium!   Cancer is a disease of the genome. It starts with a change in the genome of an individual cell that allows that cell to divide and grow uncontrollably.

To understand the changes that drive...
T’interessa la genòmica? Vine a conèixer el CNAG-CRG!   Des del CNAG-CRG oferim una visita guiada gratuïta pel públic general on explicarem què fem al nostre centre i els diferents projectes en els quals participem.   Les persones que ens visitin faran un recorregut per les instal·lacions de la mà...
17 Dec 2021.- El Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG) y la European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA) organizan un curso práctico sobre el uso de herramientas para compartir y analizar datos genómicos en el marco del proyecto...
7th June 2021.- Biodiversity is shrinking every day as a consequence of human activity. Increasing our knowledge about the species living on Earth will allow to promote sustainable development as well as to protect biodiversity.    The Earth BioGenome Project, a network of the major national and...
On Thursday 26th November 2019, from 15h (CET) to 16h (CET) the Data Analysis team of the CNAG-CRG will give a Webinar to introduce GPAP-Phenostore, highlighting its features and tools.   If you would like to attend please register...
