dnGASP and RGASP3 are collaborative efforts among researchers to compare and evaluatecutting edge methods and strategies for sequencing data mapping and assembly. Twoeditions of RGASP were successfully held in 2009.
For the Barcelona 2011 workshop, two 2nd generation sequencing datasets for de novowhole genome assembly and transcriptome alignment have been made available to theentire research community. Analysis results of both datasets will be submitted by participantsthrough the meeting webpage until February 2011. The submitted results will be evaluatedby the organizer committee using standardized metrics to compare the different approaches.
Results, methodology and evaluation of submissions will be discussed at the meeting in Barcelona by participating groups. Additionally, there will be keynote presentations byselected speakers focused on and two wrap-up presentations by the Evaluation Committee. The agenda and room layout are designed to maximize the interactive nature of the meeting. This meeting is organized in partnership with the International Center for Scientific Debate (ISCD), and initiative of Biocat with support from “la Caixa” Welfare Projects.