This five full-day intensive course will cover state-of-the-art statistical methods for detection of genetic loci influencing complex traits. Each day will include discussions of analysis theory and hands-on computer exercises, focusing on the Mendel software package.
This course is designed for people who will be performing statistical analysisto find the genetic basis of complex traits in human or non-human populations.We will stress interpretation of results and emphasize the practical aspects needed to give the best chances of success.
Topics will include:
• Statistical Review
• Genetic Study Design
• Quality Control and Other Data Issues
• Haplotyping
• Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Traits, Including GWAS
• Ethnic Admixture Analysis
• Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis
• Rare Variant Analysis Methods for SNP or Full Genome Sequence Data
The course will be taught by faculty from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), CNAG and elsewhere.
[Click here](http://www.genetics.ucla.edu/courses/statgene/ "") for more information and to apply
Or Email: statgene@mednet.ucla.edu