From September 16th to September 20th 2013
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

This September the Barcelona Summer School in Genomics and Bioinformatics offers two courses:
Bioinformatic Analysis for Next Generation Sequencing Data
This course will cover the theory and practical aspects of NGS data analysis, coveringdifferent genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic NGS analyses. The course isdesigned to be of interest to masters and PhD students with an interest in NGS datahandling and analysis, and will focus on the computational and statistical challengesinherent in NGS data analysis.Participants should have a background in bioinformatics,computer science, statistics or other mathematical discipline.The course will include both theoretical and practical sessions.Coordinated by Simon Heath, Centre Nacional d’Anàlisi Genòmica.
Next Generation Sequencing for Medical Genomics
In this course we aim to familiarize the students with the different NGS technologiesand their applications to the study of human genetic variation and disease. The coursewill cover aspects from technology and informatics to experimental design and dataanalysis. This course is designed to be of interest for master and PhD studentspreferentially with a background on human genetics. The course will include theoreticaland practical sessions. Coordinated by Ferran Casals, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Institute of Evolutionary Biology
Accepted participants will receive the instructions for the payment.
- Number of participants: 25
- Tuition: The registration fee of 500 Euros covers course materials, coffee breaks andlunches. Lodging costs are not included in the registration fee. If needed we can helpparticipants to find economic accommodation in Barcelona.
Please contact for further information.